Saturday, April 23, 2011

Spring is here!

Whew, so I've definitely not been upholding that New Year's resolution of keeping my blog updated. But, here's a quick nutshell of the last few months!

February was a huge whirlwind of Senior Project. I had assembled a fine team of colorists from the Senior Soiree and I needed to clean up in order to keep up with them!

In March, I was able to turn in my "completed" Warrior Cock into Senior II for completion. I passed the class! But even though I had finished, I still wanted to work on my layouts and sound design before I was really finished. Then I'll be looking for film festivals.

Now in April, the spring has started along with my final quarter at SCAD. My big project at the moment is for the online comics class, a side project I had put off for Warrior Cock, but now I get to work on it! It's always been one of my goals to have a web comic of my own someday, so I unveil to you Shippers Gone Postal!

It'll go something like this.

I've actually been showing some progress on my Deviant Art since December, and now I hope to actually get somewhere with it! However, at the moment I've discovered that I'm not very much of a writer, so I'm struggling a lot with the script! Hopefully, things will get better.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Winter Senior Soiree

Another successful networking event, I think! The Senior Soiree is a newer event hosted by SCAD's Resident Life and Housing, where students working on senior films get a chance to advertise and recruit all in one place!

Thank you to everyone who stopped by my table :D I hope to send out an email today so everyone can get my contact info!

Though, I'm wondering if I should use this blog to host film progress again. The trouble is, I don't really know what to talk about!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Resolution for more blogging!

Sorry about dropping off the face of the blogsphere, everyone! Been trying to keep up with work so much that I haven't had much time to update.

I'm back at school now after a nice winter break and am right in the middle of production with Warrior Cock, my senior film. I've had the good fortune to have found both a sound designer and composer! And currently I'm on the search for a coloring crew as well.

I'll try to have a post with more progress up soon, in the mean time, toodle-loo!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dabbles in Game Design

Ello again!

Well, along side with my Senior Project, I was also taking a class about Adobe Flash called digicel I. Wow, how I wish I had taken this class years ago! I had always been stubborn and figured I could teach myself the program, but after realizing how that hadn't been happening I finally signed up for the class and learned lots!
Anyway, for the final we were allowed to do several projects and one of them was a pitch for a tv show, but I changed it into a pitch for a video game instead! (sort of).

Announcing, Brawl Lolita! A fighting game featuring Gothic Lolita, a popular fashion hailing from Japan that mixes Victorian dress with Japanese taste. The game is meant to be a parody of Gothic Lolita, fighting games, and American fascination with Japanese culture in general.

Because I'm not a programmer, I only animated a mock fight, which I hope to expand on more during break! Below I've got one of my stage designs and some earlier concept sketches of the girls!

Monday, November 8, 2010

More Finalized Layouts

Sorry for the lack of updates everyone! Been so busy with getting the rough animation done that I didn't have time to post. I'm also not sure how much of the animation itself I'm allowed to post, but I've gotten started on my layouts so I thought I would post up some previews of those!

Yup, I plan for the final look of the film to be someone sketchy. These still need to be cleaned up and I'm playing with the color palette, but these are definitely closer to the final design than the original rough layouts!

There's currently a week and a half left and I'm at the tweening stage of a good 28 shots! I showed my most recent cut of the final film to my professor and he made several good suggestions to the cutting that I hope to incorporate.

In other notes, the Senior Soiree I went to several weeks ago was pretty successful! Though, I won't really be needing many recruits until Winter Quarter. I hope to send out emails a week after Winter Break though, to see if interest is still high. Will be trucking along 'til then!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Final Character Designs

Whew, I've been thinking that since my animatic doesn't reflect my new character designs, I'd post them up! Of them, the statue's design changed the most. The chickens changed in shape, but after talking to my professor today, I'll also be adding spurs to the rooster! I had no idea roosters had spurs, I think it's because all of my reference footage was of spurless roosters.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Senior Film Animatic

Here it is, for your viewing pleasure! This was finished in my senior concept class last spring. Since then, I've decided to change the first shot from a vertical pan and zoom into just a horizontal pan instead. And I'm also thinking of taking away the adult language of the rooster's subtitles.

Because it's pretty animation intensive, I'm thinking I'll have to go for some sort of stylized limited animation in order to complete it on time. And I'm also possibly thinking of outsourcing some part, perhaps inbetweens.